I was ‘on the street’ 1 hour (2 tours) Friday, 4 hours Saturday (making about $200 with the tips) and 2 hours Sunday. I worked from 8 to 5 all three days.
I'm taking off today. Will work straight through to Sunday, if I can, so as not to miss a fine lunch at Sister Dottie's convent, and be fresh for Daigrepont's fais-do-do at Tips.
Buggy drivers can be any age, race, gender, educational background, or appearance. Most have been doing it for years. One company has a raft of student nurses working weekends. The drivers are helpful and kind to this new old rookie. During lulls, the artists who string up their works along the fence at the hack stand are usually talented and entertaining.
The tourists can be instructive too. Bosco and I were visited by a ‘mule whisperer’ who gave me all sorts of clues about making life better for the mule and the driver...
Imagine, I haven't held down a job for 14 years! In this weather, working outdoors every day is delightful.
No telling when I will post again. You can stimulate something by adding comments below, or emailing with edits, questions, suggestions, or well wishes.
Rookie hack driver