Yesterday, I finally got my buggy driver's license:
The owner of Royal Carriages, scheduled me for my first days! Thursday and Friday, Red the wrangler will match me up with a mule. I'll get the tack and locker just vacated by a driver named Maya, who moved to another company.This morning I drove her mule around the quarter. We had a pretty good ride. With Red's help, I finally found 'high gear'. All the mules are pleased to start the circuit at the fast trot... good to stretch a bit, I guess. When they hit the Quarter, they know to go at a slow to fast walk. One slowed to a crawl when she saw a stop sign. If you're on the typical route, the mules will turn at all the right corners. Most will automatically stop at Lafitte's bar on Bourbon. At shift's end, they know the rather circuitous route back to the stables.
So... the adventure begins. It's rather exciting!